How to Create the Ultimate Submittal Package

by Hector Hernandez

Creating a submittal package can be a huge bottleneck in the flow at a BAC company, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be presented in a visually pleasing, comprehensive, and efficient manner. Most companies have their go-to submittal template, usually, a PDF that’s haphazardly created from various documents like cut sheets, spec sheets, Autocad drawings, billing materials, and more. In short, bare-bones information that more often than not doesn’t cover everything a client needs to complete the project without requesting more information. Not to mention an installer or technician able to get the job done right the first time. 

There is a better way to create submittal packages. Cube’s more sophisticated submittal generating software offers everything you need to create great packages for your clients.

What Every Submittal Package Needs

To best explain the difference between an adequate package and a standout one, compare the instructions that come with many electronic devices. There’s your Quick Start Guide and then there’s the full-on manual. One gets you up and running while lacking specifics, but the other lets you discover and do much more with your equipment.

Cube’s intuitive software makes it easy to build professional, more comprehensive submittal packages that include an attractive cover, Company info, schematics and much more in a fraction of the time it would take them to create the package manually.  When it comes to revisions, it only takes a couple of clicks to comprehensively update or revise any element within the submittal package with the latest project info. You can even present them in more than one language.

Great submittal packages not only impress clients but signal the value you offer. A polished, specific submittal package should be a multi-page PDF containing the following elements:

  • Product cut sheets and pictures of the components
  • Diagrams and stencils (which can easily be created in Visio)
  • Details of billable materials
  • Wiring diagrams
  • Sequence of operation
  • Panel layout
  • Controller configuration
  • Branding
  • Quality Stencils
  • Sequence of Operation

No run-of-the-mill submittal can compete with a detailed package that improves the commissioning process by optimizing time spent, reduces operating costs, ensures adequate orientation and training, and improves installed building systems documentation.

Create Submittals That Wow Your Clients

In our experience, it’s the document with the most detail that wins the day. An automated submittal process produces packages that are stylish but in no way lacking in substance. Cube’s software is much faster and more efficient than using templates or other less automated methods. At the click of a button, our sophisticated software builds an accurate submittal package that is easy to update and minimizes rework or manual rewrites.

If time is money—and it is—adopting tools that speed operations while growing your business is a smart move. Want a way to accurately produce submittal packages that not only look great but speed up the process? Our automated software is all it takes to quickly get you from idea to realization.